Childcare Nursery in Garforth

Effortless Childcare

Our core purpose is to enable you to go to work with peace of mind, knowing your children are receiving exceptional care, education and life experiences.

This is why we provide Pampers nappies and hypo-allergenic wipes, nappy cream, milks from formula to cow’s milk, sun cream, home cooked meals and two snacks a day catering for all dietary requirements. Our menus are designed to offer 5 a day to keep your child healthy and offer a variety of tastes and textures.

There are no additional charges to any of the activities on offer in and around our curriculum to children attending Sweet Peas.

Our ideally located nursery has an abundance of safe car parking which you can utilise when dropping off and collecting your child, or you may choose to park your car whilst you walk on foot to one of the train stations close by.

We can safely care for your child from 7.30am to enable you to travel to work in good time.

Since my daughter started here she has come on leaps and bounds. Her Social Skills have got so much better. As an only child she did seem to have an issue with sharing and getting along other children but since the staff here have been working with her she is absolutely great now and she has established lots of little friendships.


We are passionate about providing exciting, freshly home cooked meals that meet your childrens’ daily nutritional and dietary needs.


We encourage open and honest dialogues that enable us to work together to ensure that your unique child is happy, secure and well cared for.

Our Curriculum

Our holistic curriculum is carefully planned and rooted in a high quality emotional environment that puts your child at the heart of every decision.

Key Person System

Your child’s Key Person adopts a variety of important functions such as providing your child’s routine, planning activities and more.

Effortless Childcare

Our core purpose is to enable you to go to work with peace of mind that your children are receiving exceptional care, education and life experiences.

Covid Safe Environment

We invested over £10000 in furniture and resources and ensured we could provide children with familiar surroundings.

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